Never seem to have enough money for cleaning products? Activities for the kids? Weed killer?
Can you spare about $1.00 from your Bridge Card to get those things? Then vinegar is your product of choice.
In the house:
- Repel ants - A light 50/50 mix with water sprayed where the ants come in or like to walk and they will stay away.
- Shine chrome fixtures by using two tablespoons of salt and one teaspoon of vinegar to make a paste.
- Clean your counters. Undiluted, use a cloth to remove stains and smells.
- Clean your drains/disposals by mixing 1/2 cup of warm vinegar and 1/2 cup of baking soda. Rinse with hot tap water.
- Clean hard water stains. In your coffee pot, on your glasses, in your tub, you name it.
- Clean rust off metal. Just immerse the item in undiluted distilled white vinegar.
- Rinse fruits and veggies. One tablespoon of vinegar to about a quart of water.
- Clean your oven or microwave. Use a cloth to wipe undiluted vinegar on the grease build up. Repeat as needed, rinse thoroughly with warm water.
- Remove odors from your fridge. Wipe all surfaces with a 50/50 water and vinegar solution.
- Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of laundry or dish detergent to one pint of water for a spot cleaner for carpets.
- Remove deodorant stains in clothing by rubbing vinegar into them.
- Tenderize meat by marinating 3 pounds in a 1/4 cup of vinegar overnight.
- Use 1/2 cup of vinegar as a fabric softener in your washing.
For the kids:
- Get the smell out of lunchboxes by soaking a sponge in vinegar and placing inside the lunchbox overnight. Rinse thoroughly in the morning.
- For fun, mix 1/2 cup of vinegar and 1/2 cup of baking soda to watch it bubble and "explode" like a volcano. This experiment is best done outside.
- For fun, make "rubber" chicken bones. Soak a chicken bone in vinegar for about three days, then bend.
- Make a "naked" egg. Place an egg in a dish, immersed in vinegar, cover, place in fridge for 24 hours. Carefully remove egg from vinegar (shell is disappearing), cover again with vinegar, cover dish, wait another 24 hours. When you are done, the only thing holding the egg together should be the membrane.
- Vinegar can be used as an antiseptic on cuts and scrapes.
- Kids put a sticker on something? Place a cloth soaked in vinegar over it until saturated and it should peel right off.
For you:
- Relieve sunburn by rubbing vinegar on it.
- Stop itching from bug bites by rubbing vinegar on the bite.
- 1 cup of vinegar + 1 cup of warm water will remove soap film after shampooing and put highlights in brunette hair.
- Kill germs that cause a sore throat by gargling with a mixture of warm vinegar and table salt.
- Equal parts vinegar and water can be used as a facial toner.
- Brushing with vinegar up to twice a week will whiten teeth and help avoid bad breath.
Around the yard:
- Have acid loving plants? One cup of vinegar in a gallon of water will make them grow better.
- Sanitize outdoor furniture and toys.
- Keep rabbits out of your garden. Soak a cloth in vinegar and place in a rinsed butter (or similar) container with holes poked in the top.
- Keep the ants even farther from your house. Pour a little vinegar on the tops of ant hills.
This is only a basic list. Obviously, it will pay to think beyond these basics and adapt to other household items made of similar materials.
What else do you use distilled white vinegar for?
I use vinegar and water mix to mop my kitchen floor.