June 19, 2012

Work Towards Self Sufficiency

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Food pantries, assistance (public and private), grants and many other programs are all intended to be a temporary means of getting you back on your feet. Though many of them don't have time limits and continue to help long term when people still qualify, you can see that many of the programs include information and classes to help the participants become self sufficient.

If you find yourself in the position of needed to use one or several assistance programs, that's what they are there for. Don't let pride get in the way of accepting help when you need it, but do let pride remind you that you can work towards changing your circumstances to get back to providing for your family on your own.

Start today with one little step. Over time, little steps add up.

It's process. You have to learn to do things you haven't done. Try your first coupon. Say no to the trip to the gas station for a soda. Cut out an unneeded expense even if you want it so that you can better meet a need until all the pieces are in place.

While you have the assistance resources available to you, make smart choices. Use the provisions you receive or acquire to the max. Learn to coupon to make your Bridge Card money last longer, use bonus offers on food to obtain non food offers within the law, treat the items you received as though you paid for them yourself.

The things you choose to put your effort into are the things that you will change in your life.

Certain changes are temporary. Others are long lasting. Train yourself to think about things differently.

If you put your efforts into having a party every weekend so you can forget about your money problems, then that's what will happen. If you put your efforts into making wise spending decisions and learning new skills that will save you money, you will soon find that your dollars stretch farther and the money problems get farther behind you. You can begin to enjoy yourself with out those problems waiting for you on the other side.

Only you can take action.

You can talk a big talk, "I want to do......", "I wish I could.....". But only you can make the decision and set the plan in motion to change your circumstances. Even when other people care about you, support you or give to you, YOU are the one that needs to be invested in the change for the results to happen and last.

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